leichthändige überschreibung

our contribution to the 300 years old asam building: its own signature script font, superimposed with great sensitivity onto these historic layers.

asamgebäude, signage system


what our values are is no secret: we show it in our exhibition ‘satzfahnen’ and give an insight into what we think and how we act. because without language there is no design and there is no design without principles. three a4 screenprints are available for 25 euros each.

on january 24 at 6 pm at necktar 127 gallery, neckarstraße 127, 70190 stuttgart, www.necktar.art

ordnung ist in ordnung

so, is everything in order? at a time when many things seem to be spinning out of control, it’s not hard to see why one would ask.

new year's greetings

new visual identity for hft

we have given the stuttgart technical university of applied sciences a new visual identity. at the launch event, the corporate design was officially presented with its own brand font. to a rosy future!

andreas uebele in florence

for fans: fidi forum florence! andreas uebele will give a lecture at the fidi (The Florence Institute of Design International) on thursday, october 3rd.

photo: michael bundscherer

vernetzte forschung, verbindende kommunikation

a sculpture, a metaphor for connectivity that not only provides orientation but also communicates the identity of the facility.

helmholtz pioneer campus, signage system

sperriger und gesperrter satz

gta papers 8: the crit, editorial design, zurich, 2024

gta papers 8