responsible for this website within the meaning of section 5 tmg (german telemedia act):
büro uebele
visuelle kommunikation gmbh & co. kg
heusteigstraße 94a
70180 stuttgart
tel +49(0)711-34 17 02-0
fax +49(0)711-34 17 02-30
ust-idnr.: DE278629293
general partner:
büro uebele verwaltungsgesellschaft mbh
(private limited company)
registered office: stuttgart
registergericht stuttgart HRB 737288
director: carolin himmel, andreas uebele
büro uebele visuelle kommunikation gmbh & co. kg
legal structure: kommanditgesellschaft
(limited partnership with limited company as general partner)
registered office: stuttgart
registergericht stuttgart HRA 726324
communication design:
büro uebele
visuelle kommunikation
project team:
filip anunović
carolin himmel
simon renner
andreas uebele
petr pščolka
helvetica neue
legal matters:
in its judgement of may 12, 1998 the hamburg regional court decreed that when a link is included, co-responsibility also exists for the contents of the linked pages. this can, the court stated, only be avoided by an express disclaimer for any responsibility for such contents. on the pages of this website we have included links to other sites. the following statement applies to all such links: we expressly declare that we have no influence on the design and contents of the linked sites. we therefore expressly disclaim any responsibility for the contents of such sites, nor do we express any approval thereof. this statement applies to all links displayed on our home page and to all contents of the pages to which the banners and links registered with us may lead.
data privacy policy
the protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. in the following we inform you of the methods, extent and purposes of the acquisition and use of personal data on our website. please refer to the contact information listed above if you have any questions relating to this data privacy policy or any other questions in connection with our web presence.
data transmission and logging
you can visit our website without having to submit personal information. by accessing our website, the web browser that you use transmits certain information to our server. for every instance of access/retrieval, the following data are acquired and stored in so-called log files:
- ip address of the accessing computer
- date and time of the access
- type and version of the web browser
- type and version of the operating system
- url of the previously visited website if a link was followed
- accessed website and/or name of the accessed file
- duration of visit to the accessed websites
the data are acquired solely for the purpose of statistical evaluation and are deleted after 7 days. they do not allow your identity to be inferred, nor are these data brought into connection with other data sources. the data are not conveyed to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
use of personal data
personal data are only acquired, processed and stored by us if you voluntarily inform us accordingly. this is the case for example if you send us an email, request information material or enter into contact with us in any other form. we use your personal data only for administrative purposes and for communication with you and for the processing of your request. as a rule, we require your address, your telephone number and/or your email address, so that we can enter into contact with you.
press area
on registration for use of the press area, some personal data are acquired such as your name, address, contact and communication data, telephone number and email address. if you are registered with us, you can access content and services that we only offer to registered users. on request, registered users are also able to examine the data submitted on registration or to demand deletion.
on the basis of your expressly granted consent, at irregular intervals we send you our newsletter or comparable information by email to the email address that you submit.
to receive the newsletter, your name and email address are sufficient. on registration for subscription to our newsletter, the data you submit are used exclusively for this purpose. subscribers can also be informed by email of circumstances which are of relevance to this service or to registration (e.g. changes to the newsletter offer or technical conditions).
you may revoke your consent to storage of your personal data and their use for transmission of the newsletter at any time. every newsletter includes a link for this purpose. alternatively, you can contact us via the channels listed above.
our website uses cookies. these serve to make our website more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. cookies are small files that are installed on your computer when our website is accessed, in a file on the web browser used by you. on conclusion of a visit, the cookies on our server are deleted. when you access our website again, your browser returns previously stored text files. on the basis of this information, previously adjusted settings for example can be used once more.
cookies do not cause damage and do not contain viruses. we do not establish a connection between the data stored in the cookies and other data that could allow your identity to be inferred. you can adjust your web browser so that it informs you of any transmission of cookies or prevents their installation.
you can receive information in this connection via the help function of your web browser (e.g. microsoft internet explorer, edge, firefox or safari). if you deactivate cookies in your browser, the functionality of our website can be impaired.
google analytics
on this website we use google analytics, a web analysis service of google inc. („google“). google uses cookies. as a rule, the information generated by the cookie concerning usage of the online offer by users is transmitted to a server of google in the usa and stored there.
google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the usage of our online offer by users, to provide reports on the activities within this online offer, and to render further services to us in connection with the use of this online offer and of the internet. in this process, pseudonymous usage profiles of the users can be created on the basis of the processed data.
we use google analytics only with active ip anonymization. this means that the ip addresses of users are abbreviated by google within member states of the european union and in other contract states to the agreement on the european economic area. only in exceptional cases is a full ip address transmitted to a server of google in the usa and abbreviated there. the ip address transmitted by the user’s browser is not brought into connection with other data of google.
users can prevent storage of cookies by appropriately setting their browser software; furthermore, users can prevent the transmission of data to google that are generated by the cookie and that relate to their use of the online offer, and the processing of these data by google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link:
please refer to the google websites for further information on the usage of data for advertising purposes, and on the possibilities for settings and revocation: (“how google uses information from sites or apps that use our services“) (“advertising”)
information on and modification of your data
you can demand information concerning your personal data processed by us. on written request, we will inform you of the data stored that relate to your person.
if your details are not (or are no longer) correct, you can demand correction. if your data are incomplete, you can demand completion. if we have conveyed your details to third parties, we will inform them of your correction if this is legally stipulated.
right of revocation/deletion of personal data, appeals
you can revoke permission for the usage and processing of your personal data at any time with future effect by an informal submission to büro uebele visuelle kommunikation, heusteigstraße 94a, 70180 stuttgart.
deletion of the stored personal data is effected when you revoke permission for the usage of your data or when the purpose of acquisition of the data is fulfilled, to the extent that no legal, official or contractual obligations of retention exist. if such obligations exist, your data are blocked for further usage for the time being and are deleted on expiry of the prescribed period of retention.
you are also authorised to submit an appeal to the competent data protection supervisory authority.
modification of our data privacy policy
we reserve the right to modify our security and data privacy measures to the extent that this becomes necessary due to technical development. in such cases, we will also will adapt our data privacy policy notification. you are therefore requested to refer to the current version of our data privacy policy.