– paulusstift stuttgart, signage system, stuttgart 2002
the design is structured by coloured circles, interwoven with bright, happy figures and the clear, well-organised text. the dots vary in size and colour, with no apparent system or regularity, unobtrusively bringing order into the children’s world.
paulusstift stuttgart
signage system
stuttgart 2002
sozialdienst katholischer
frauen e.v. diözese
rottenburg-stuttgart (skf)
sorg frosch & partner
project team:
marc engenhart
(project manager)
imke plinta
daniela sonntag
andreas uebele
- adc deutschland 2003, auszeichnung
- the chicago athenaeum, good design 2003, good design award
- deutscher designer club (ddc), gute gestaltung 03, bronze
- red dot award: communication design 2002, red dot