– first cuts –, harald f. müller, öhningen, 2013
first cuts
the book is upside-down, turned-around, topsy-turvy. in a word, it’s all mixed up.
here, top is bottom, back is front, it’s all twisting and turning. the numbers look like they’ve been scattered randomly about the margins, the images – all of them – are tipped at right angles to the text. and the text is set in a wild and crazy way. why? is this art’s intrinsic anarchy breaking through into book design? not at all. In fact this wild (dis)order is coolly calculated – everything’s in its place. type, image and text are one – inter-related, equally valued, forming a unity.
the mono images are printed twice for extra depth. a limited edition was produced with the artist harald f. müller in which 120 uncut printed cover sheets were painted by hand before being bound and trimmed to the book blocks. this process generated new and unique cover designs: first cuts.
first cuts –
harald f. müller
öhningen, 2013
harald f. müller
project team:
carolin himmel (project management)
angela klasar
andreas uebele
gerd blum
johan f. hartle
gerd blum
mike guyer
johan f. hartle
harald f. müller
lars müller publishers
principal typeface:
monotype grotesque
daniel fels (1)
mats kubiak (2–13)
18 × 24 cm
192 pages
35 monochrome images
ISBN 978-3-03778-408-2
english / german
eur 32.00 / usd 42.00 / gbp 27.00
- german design award 2015, nominee