go with the flow – 16 stationen remstal gartenschau 2019, weinstadt, 2019

in the beginning was an invitation and a river running its course. the outcome is a unique project comprising 16 architectural landmarks, which 16 prominent german architects were invited to create for a garden festival linking 16 towns and communities along the river rems. the design of the invitation and specifications for the architects follows a simple principle, translating the defining topographical feature of this cultural landscape into graphic form: the 80-kilometre stretch of the river rems is divided into 16 sections and the text is arranged to replicate the river’s course, generating layouts that literally go with the flow, varying from one page to the next. this subtle yet appropriate adjustment to standard typesetting procedures creates a distinctive and memorable identity that reflects the heart of the matter.

16 stationen remstal gartenschau 2019
weinstadt, 2019


remstal gartenschau gmbh

cecile leufgen (projektleitung)
carolin himmel
andreas uebele

HGB grau 11

christian lindermann
