– andreas uebele, weg zeichen/my type of place

my type of place

stuttgart 2004

with contributions by jacques blumer atelier 5, uwe loesch, wilfried korfmacher, karin sander

but turning to the essentials of the particulars: here is a book that is post-modern without being tied to the logistics of letters. it is informative and full of fantastic images which, in fragmented form, document the extensive projects and commissions realised by uebele and his team. it is a courageous work, because who (apart from me) really wants to know what the individual design concepts looked like in toto? but such attention to detail is a golden thread running through the works of andreas uebele. this, at least, the book manages to convey in places. from that angle it is more a kind of video clip packed with striking scenarios. it’s the book of the film that we have to imagine in full length – although it doesn’t matter if you miss the start and have to piece the plot together for yourself. ultimately this book is out to make you wonder what the future will bring from andreas uebele. it will bring something, won’t it? or was that it! uwe loesch

hermann schmidt mainz
text german/english
400 pages
eur 45.-/sfr 75.-
isbn 3-87439-645-2

andreas uebele
weg zeichen/my type of place


photos book:
dirk altenkirch
lothar bertrams
claudio hils
werner huthmacher
andreas keller
andreas körner
christian richters
bernhard widmann

photos product:
andreas körner


  • designpreis der bundesrepublik deutschland 2007, nominiert
  • designpreis der bundesrepublik deutschland 2006, nominiert
  • if communication design award 2005, auszeichnung
  • new york festivals 2005 world´s best advertising, finalist certificate
  • berliner type awards 2004, diplom
  • deutscher designer club (ddc), gute gestaltung 05, award
  • istd international typographic awards 2004, certificate of excellence
  • red dot award: communication design 2004, red dot
  • the chicago athenaeum, good design 2004, good design award
