– jim jarmusch, logotype, new york 1991

jim jarmusch

the remit from jim jarmusch was clear as day: his “logotype design” was to echo the 1930s. and among the key features there should be a dog that smoked and played cards. he even sent a copy of a picture on which to base it (i think it's from an american fairytale). so my job was to draw an american, card-playing, smoking dog in the 1930s…

drawing dogs is not exactly my forte and the outcome was a pack of sorry-looking hounds that left neither me nor the client satisfied. the breakthrough came with frascati, my four-legged companion during late-night sessions in the studio. and there he was, a little dog that first circled the earth as a canine planet, then appeared as a little moon in orbit. i had to bid farewell to frascati, but the client liked the planetary theme.

jim jarmusch
new york 1991


jim jarmusch
