zigzag – müller & meirer, visual identity, kirn an der nahe 2015
the new logo for leather goods manufacturer müller & meirer has the heartwarming appeal of a scribbled love letter – the kind of handwriting it’s always a pleasure to decipher. the two initials resemble a monogram stitched in zigzag on a sewing machine – subtly referencing the company’s proud heritage. yet at the same time the design responds to customary contemporary demands for simplicity, clarity and scalability. not only that but it’s invertible, too. our client gave us carte blanche – and we took them at their word, playfully mixing and matching the contrasts of white, silver and black. sometimes the brand name appears white on black, sometimes shimmering silver on white, or even black on black. overall these variations speak of balance and diversity – an impression judiciously supplemented by woodcut-style illustrations to endow the brand with a rounded and distinctive character. the drawings – plants and animals – are infused with a quirky, quasi-archaic charm that encourages the viewer’s eye to linger.
müller & meirer
visual identity
kirn an der nahe 2015
müller meirer lederwarenfabrik
project team:
carolin himmel (project management)
angela klasar (project management)
petr pščolka
andreas uebele
interior design:
büro für gestaltung zieglerbürg
andreas steinbrecher
gerhardt kellermann
principal typeface:
gt walsheim