– nestwerk, logotype,, visual identity, stuttgart 2003


this organisation helps to build nests, to make homes. the word nest – in english and in german – has its origins in the proto-indo-european ni (down) and sed (sit). werk has the same origins as the english transitive verb to work – an older word for to make, to make something happen. the word nest opens up a space – a place to sit or settle in. the word is the name of the organisation. the spoken word is given visual support: a branch with a leaf. the typo­graphic modification of a ›k‹, with its extended upstroke, is accompanied by the counter of a small ›a‹, which looks like a leaf. the word becomes visible, unambiguous, distinctive. the small inter vention is discreet but dis tinct. it speaks. and from the word – playfully, as in a conversation – meanings are generated. the company speaks in its own language. the word becomes comprehensible, it is simple, direct, human.

visual identity
stuttgart 2003


nestwerk stiftung dbr

project team:
gerd häußler
(project manager)
andreas uebele

max uebele
