– max-planck-gesellschaft, multi-media information installation, 2002
a table in a room. served up on the table is a film made of colour and form, architecture and the research undertaken here in-house. with digital projectors mounted on the ceiling, the surface of the table is projected into the room like a virtual fountain, its water cascading over the walls and doors. as you draw closer to the table, coloured spaces in red, blue and green enter the film, as if guided by an unseen hand. the spaces carry information about people, events and locations. it is art; it is information. visual communication becomes an image in space. information about people, events and locations.
multi-media information installation
invited competition 1st prize
in cooperation with karin sander
brenner & partner
artistic concept:
karin sander
andreas uebele
project team:
marc-oliver gern
(project manager)
matthias herzogenrath
andreas uebele
product design:
büro für gestaltung
diane ziegler
film, programming:
jangled nerves
camera, direction, editing:
lothar heinrich
andreas körner
michael rapp
- adc deutschland 2003, auszeichnung
- d&ad awards 2003, in book award
- deutscher multimedia award 2003, lobende erwähnung
- the chicago athenaeum, good design 2003, good design award